Our goal is to guide children towards becoming well- rounded individuals who are self-reliant, confident, kind, and community-minded.

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At Garden Preschool Cooperative, we come together in a thriving community where parents play a central role. Together with our caring teachers, we seek to provide a high-quality, progressive education in a nurturing atmosphere and guide children toward becoming well-rounded individuals who are self-reliant, confident, kind and community-minded. We promote good habits and attitudes so that our children continue to develop healthy relationships to others and feel that they are valued members of our community.

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Growth + Curiosity

Intrinsic to the philosophy of developmentally-appropriate practice is the recognition that a child's natural curiosity about themselves and the world around them is the motivating force for their learning and their ability to create meaning. It stresses the child's desire and need to engage actively with the environment — to make sense of experience through hands-on participation with open-ended materials and through interaction with peers and adults — as a necessary aspect of human growth.

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Learning through Play

Play provides the important foundations for academic learning in the later years and is central to all aspects of a child's social, emotional, intellectual and physical growth. Through art, cooking, singing, building, gardening and engaging in pretend play, children — with teacher guidance — build on their knowledge of emergent literacy, math and science concepts. Child-directed, teacher-facilitated play is central to all aspects of the GPC curriculum.

  • Why GPC?

    • Teacher Facilitated Play-Based Learning

    • Affordable Tuition and Convenient operating hours (8:30am-6:00pm)

    • Hamilton Park is our Playground!

    • Great Teacher/Student ratio

    • You can be actively involved in your child’s school experience

  • One-Room Schoolhouse

    Our beautiful open space provides room for our students to grow, explore and rest:

    • Kitchen

    • Indoor gym

    • Enriching Art spaces

    • Kids restroom

    • Creative areas for work-time choices

  • Students and Teachers

    The classroom is made of up to 20 students ages 2.9-5 years old with 3 experienced loving educators and 1 Parent of the Day. Children get to be part of a group of diverse ages that encourages learning, cooperation and leadership which nurtures their social and intellectual growth.


242 10th St, Jersey City, NJ

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Upcoming 2023-2024 events:

  • GPC Open House: May 4th from 10am-12pm

  • GPC Open House: May 18th from 10am-12pm

Register for our Open House events here.

Email for more details!


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